Friday, October 9, 2009

Fantastic Mr. Arctic Fox

Older Fjallraven (Swedish for Arctic Fox) jacket/parka from a finished basement/workshop of an estate sale, made in Finland. Fjallraven is a Swedish brand known for scoliosis-preventing backpacks, making things that last, and not exporting much to America, so this is a rare find and strangely poetic that it's in perfect condition. = From the Fjallraven website: "A product that is handed down through generations or sold second-hand has hardly any affect on the environment compared to buying a new product." 
Words to live by.

1 comment:

SimonTuntelder said...

Great find! It is a rare find, even here in Denmark (a neighbouring country to Sweden, but you do sometimes find good older pieces, like the one you found. From Swedish friends I understand, that you quite often come across good pieces from them in Sweden.