Tuesday, July 14, 2009

C'etait un Rendezvous

Not long after it was released our local library had a copy, and my brother and I used to get our dad to rent it constantly, every chance we got. Back then renting movies was a little more complicated, as the movie was an actual big can of film, and my dad would have to lug out the movie projector and thread the film, while we'd set up the giant silver screen on its rickety aluminum tripod. But when the lights went out and the movie started rolling, nothing beat sitting on the carpet staring up at the screen with a permanent smile for 9 minutes, the smell of dusty electricity, the smooth clacking of the projector, and the loud Ferrari engine blaring through the steel speakers.

Happy Bastille Day!


Greg Allen said...

one of my favorite underground films, shot using one of my favorite cars, the Mercedes 450 SE 6.9, which the director still owns.

Lelouch talked about the making of in 2006:


Teresa @ good-grace said...

awww... what a lovely memory! And what an awesome video.... thanks for posting it. (Although I'm still debating on whether or not I should show it to my 16 year old son. hee hee.)